Friday, July 31, 2009

3rd Test, Day 2

Following the Air France disaster last month, Airbus released a statement overnight encouraging all airlines operating the A330 to ensure they change the plane's navigational systems as soon as possible. The ACB released a statement shortly afterwards requesting said systems be delivered to the Australian dressing rooms for instant installation as the Australian batters had no idea today of flight, speed or direction.

Onions and Anderson had the Ozzies at 6's and 7's in the 1st session of the 2nd day, which almost equated to the strike rate of each Ozzie batsman. Onions' 1st two deliveries were spectacular followed up by Anderson's swing, which was moving both ways superbly. England could not have asked for a better start to this test following a rain-soaked 1st day.

Ponting, Hussey, Clarke & North all failed dismally and should be taken out the back of the sheds and shot...twice! Manou is no Haddin. And Johnson should be playing soccer. He superbly stopped that little ball hitting his stumps though...unfortunately he should have used his bat. Idiot!

Cook decided to play like Hussey at the start of England's first dig by racking up a big, fat donut. Bopara failed again. Surely the selectors would be looking at a change soon. He's just not up to Test level standard.

Your Direcktor would like to state that Rudi Koertzen should be sacked RIGHT NOW and never to umpire a game of cricket again! This is just becoming farcical. He is making the Ashes an absolute joke and quite frankly displaying favouritism to the home side. He gave Clarke out, which wasn't out, then saved Bell with quite possibly the plumbest of all plumb LBW's. This, following the terrible decisions in the 2nd Test that may have cost Australia the game.

Shame Koertzen, shame!!!

On a brighter note, Queen Kev wasn't spotted all day. Sigh! It's so nice not to have his surly looking dome burning holes on my plasma screen.

Getcha raincoats out for the 3rd day...I think you'll need them :)

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