Sunday, July 19, 2009

2nd Test - Day 4

England came out of the sheds today having declared with a lead of 522 runs and looked like a well-oiled machine. Barring a natural disaster or a major terrorist attack, or Australia deciding to "pull an England" (read: playing to draw), this one looks like it's going to be a very, very good win to the pastey Poms. Blackadder's troops have all played extremely well and are deserved of notching up an Ashes win at the home of cricket, which has escaped them for the last 75 years. We have to wait and see.

Now...once AGAIN the topic of the atrocious umpiring has been called into question. It is just PATHETIC that in an Ashes series the players have to endure fucking terrible umpiring decisions by supposedly professional, experienced and non-biased umpires. Having called for a referral yesterday on Hauritz's catch and overturning the decision to give Collingwood out, today the Ozzies had to see these two fucking idiots giving Hughes out caught to one that clearly hit the ground. How can they refer one catch one day and then not refer the alleged catch that Strauss didn't take??? On top of that, Katich suffered the idignity of having to walk back to the sheds after being caught off a no ball. Then later, Hussey is given caught in slip off Swann and he didn't even hit it. UN-BE-FUCKIN-LIEVABLE!!!

Now, those of you who actually play cricket will know what a bitter pill it is to swallow when the umpires give a poor decision but to give so many at a vital juncture of the game is appalling. It's just nonsense! I am not being biased towards Australia here at all. I just want to vent my spleen over the sheer ineptitude of these umpires and their game-ruining decisions. They are decisions that turn a game the wrong way. Had these three top order players not been wrongly adjuged out, there might just have been a chance for Australia to bat the day out without being so many wickets down, post in excess of 300, and look forward to a chance on the last day as England successfully did in Cardiff. Now we will never know given this pitiful display. Bad luck Australia. Truly.

Make no mistake, I'm not taking anything away from the Poms here. Blackadder has outwitted, outlasted and outplayed Ponting in this Test bolting out of the gate from the first ball on Day 1. He should be commended. As should his team mates.

Well done to "heir to the throne", Clarke, who made an excellent century today. Also, to Ned Eckersley, England's 32nd 12th man, who made an appearance today. I just think this whole 12th man malarky is pure, unadulterated, cheating! WTF!?!?

Let's see what Day 5 holds in store. Could we see an Ozzie fightback the likes of which Collingwood, Monty and Pamela conjured up in Cardiff. Or will it all fall apart come the morning? Stay tuned for a humdinger of a finish or a total collapse. I'm rooting for the Legends to pull off a dramatic last over win :)

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