Monday, August 3, 2009

3rd Test - Day 5

Has the worm turned? Is this the change the Aussies have been waiting for? Is this where the Ashes start to come home to its rightful home downunder?

Yes, Australia has come good at the right time of the Ashes. Just when your Direktor was going to call for the heads of Hussey and North they decided to save face and do what they're in the team to do...make runs and keep an end. It'll be a disappointment for whomever the selectors decide to drop to make way for Clarke at Headingley, but my money is on Siddle at the moment. The big unit needs a rest and Clarke needs a roll of the arm. The amount of swing that seems to be coming from these Duke balls will have the tall streak of pelican shit salivating for the new cherry. God bless him!

All in all it's been a reasonably good game. A little boring in parts due to the 'rest day', but good to see both sets of players finally having a good old sledge at each other. Where has the anger been hiding? There's nothing better than seeing batsman and bowler giving it a bit of lip in the centre. The series has been screaming out for it...and it's been gooooood.

It's also good to see the Poms' faces drop like a sledge hammer throughout the day. You could really see they thought they could pull this one off this morning with The Quitter in fine fettle of late. But alas, it was not meant to be. The only highlight, apart from North and Clarke's batting prowess, was Pamela's catch in gully. Brilliant!!!

So on to Headingley and a series that's open for the taking. England need a win to seal victory. Australia need a win to take it to the final Test at The Oval. Who will win? Who will take the honours? Will Rudi be playing for England again???

Be there for what is going to be THE best Test of the series. I'm sure of.

Pammmmm.....OUT! See ya mortals.

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